"Not long later, the original head of the Turks, Veld and their other colleagues gathered together in Midgar. Reno thought it was a dream – just another effect of Meteor.

Once long ago, the Turks had done something that wasn’t in the interests of their company. Now that Reno thought about it, they probably never made such great efforts to keep a promise than that time. As he helped the citizens of Midgar back at that moment, Reno pushed himself beyond his limits and never stopped to take a break.

After the incident, President Shinra and the executives ordered the Turks to be disbanded and killed but rescuing them from such a grave situation was Rufus who was the Vice President at the time. Rufus was their patron and now that Reno has helped secure his safety and reunited with the colleagues who he never thought he would see again, Reno was glad that he will have no regrets to leave behind any more."


Да мой фанфик более реалистичный, чем вся эта пальцевысосанная история. Во всяком случае, я ПЫТАЮСЬ обосновать события.
Нет, серьезно, это просто кинуто, как данность. Молодцы, засунули весь сюжет BC и комментарии в пару предложений, аплодирую стоя! Без какой-либо там предыстории, личной драмы персонажей, пояснений, как кто там оказался...Ну, кроме того, кто там правда должен был оказаться. И я бы не сказала, что это событие вообще было нужно. Guys, I'm outta this shit.